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Polish-English translation for: [OF-6]
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Dictionary Polish English: [OF 6]

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geol. beryl {m} [minerał] [Be3Al2(SiO3)6]beryl [mineral, gemstone]
pol. Pierwsza Dama {f}First Lady [Wife of a Head of State]
w ciągu {adv}within [in the course of a period of time]
admin wójt {m}vogt [bailiff, village mayor, governor of a group of villages]
ptak T
geogr. Wrocław {m} [siedziba władz województwa dolnośląskiego]Wrocław [seat of government of Lower Silesia Province] [formerly Breslau]
tłusty {adj}fat [of food]
meteo. rzęsiście {adv}heavily [of rain]
późny {adj}late [of time]
oczywiście {adv}naturally [of course]
wiadomo {adv}naturally [of course]
cichutko {adv}quietly [of talk]
nadnaturalny {adj}supernatural [of spirits]
handel odbiór {m}acceptance [of goods]
bot. kora {f}bark [of tree]
arch. sufit {m}ceiling [of room]
wódz {m}chieftain [of tribe]
splot {m}coil [of snake]
pobór {m}collection [of fees]
relig. spowiedź {f}confession [of sin]
gastr. smakosz {m}connoisseur [of food]
ogryzek {m}core [of fruit]
legowisko {n}den [of animal]
fiz. wyporność {f}displacement [of water]
enol. wytrawność {f}dryness [of wine]
bot. kłos {m}ear [of grain]
błysk {m}flash [of light]
migotanie {n}flickering [of light]
odzież obcas {m}heel [of shoe]
naut. rumpel {m}helm [of boat]
foto. obiektyw {m}lens [of camera]
bot. konar {m}limb [of tree]
gastr. bochenek {m}loaf [of bread]
anat. lok {m}lock [of hair]
tech. złoże {n}lode [of ore]
polano {n}log [of firewood]
med. poronienie {n}miscarriage [of pregnancy]
kark {m}neck [nape of]
pol. obalenie {n}overthrow [of government]
szczapa {f}piece [of firewood]
foto. odbitka {f}print [of photograph]
ryba ławica {f}school [of fish]
dyszel {m}shaft [of cart]
ryba ławica {f}shoal [of fish]
foto. migawka {f}shutter [of camera]
naut. zatonięcie {n}sinking [of ship]
odgłos {m}sound [of activity]
ciekawostka {f}tidbit [of information]
gastr. puszkowy {adj}canned [Am.] [of food]
kryształowy {adj}crystal [made of crystal]
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