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Polish-English translation for: [OR-1]
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Dictionary Polish English: [OR 1]

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relig. Dał Pan i zabrał Pan. Niech będzie imię Pańskie błogosławione! [Hiob 1:21] [Biblia Tysiąclecia]The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD. [Job 1:21] [New King James Version]
kolos {m}hulk [colossus; large or important person or thing]
fiz. elektronowy {adj}electronic [of or pertaining to electrons]
mniej więcej {adv}roughly [more or less]
Inżbiom. biometria {f}biometrics [treated as sg. or pl.]
jasność {f}clarity [of words or ideas]
anat. zool. płodność {f}fertility [of man or animal]
zapalnik {m}fuse [of explosives or fireworks]
logistyka {f}logistics [treated as sg. or pl.]
handel czynsz {m}rent [hire or lease charge]
tech. TV zakłócenie {n}static [background noise or flickering]
pol. prawo apatryda {m}stateless person [male or female]
pol. prawo bezpaństwowiec {m}stateless person [male or female]
gastr. metka {f}raw meat spread [or sliced]
kot {m}cat [male or non-specified sex]
kożuch {m}skin [on milk, custard or paint]
gastr. ćwikła {f}beetroot and horseradish salad [or sauce]
biol. rybi {adj}fishy [looking or smelling like a fish]
jednakowy {adj}uniform [of the same kind or quality]
gastr. wekować [niedok.]to preserve [food in jars or pots]
degradacja {f} [obniżenie rangi]demotion [to lower rank or status]
sport trapez {m} [drążek gimnastyczny]trapeze [circus or gymnastic swing]
zegary wskazówka {f} minutowaminute hand [on watch or clock]
relig. socjol. kasta {f}caste [social or religious standing, esp. in India]
bot. T
wchodzić [niedok.]to step in [to enter, to go in or up]
wyliniały {adj}mangy [of a dog or cat with patchy fur]
zool. estywacja {f} [przetrwanie lata]aestivation [Br.] [survival during drought or heat]
koleżanka {f} [z pracy, studiów]colleague [female] [at work or study]
prawo woj. stanowisko {n} oficerskiecommission [appointment as officer of military or police]
zool. estywacja {f} [przetrwanie lata]estivation [Am.] [survival during drought or heat]
lot. naut. tech. węzeł {m} [jednostka prędkości]knot [speed, sea or air] <kn., kt.>
zegary wskazówka {f} sekundowa [w zegarze]second hand [on clock or watch]
uważać [niedok.]to regard [look upon or think of in some way]
widzowie {m.pl}audience {sg} [also with plural verb] [TV or live performance]
Węgrzy {m.pl} [osob.]Hungarians [male people or a group of males and females]
biała flaga {f} [znak poddania się]white flag [sign of surrender or truce]
kolej naut. bilet {m} drugiej klasy [na pociąg lub statek]second-class ticket [train or ship]
adresaci {m.pl} [osob.]addressees [males or group of males and females]
Azjaci {m.pl} [osob.]Asians [males or groups of males and females]
obywatele {m.pl} [osob.]citizens [males or group of males and females]
pol. komuniści {m.pl} [osob.]communists [males or group of males and females]
Polacy {m.pl} [osob.]Poles {pl} [males or group of males and females]
hist. Bołesław {m} I ChrobryBolesław I the Brave [or the Valiant]
Niemcy {m.pl} [osob.]Germans [males or a group of males and females]
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