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Polish-English translation for: [people 's]
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Dictionary Polish English: [people 's]

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Partial Matches
odwiedzać [niedok.]to visit [people]
odwiedzić [dok.]to visit [people]
motłoch {m}mob [people] [pej.]
dwajtwo [referring to male people]
zjazd {m} [zgromadzenie]convention [gathering of people]
policzenie {n}headcount [act of counting people]
obliczenie {n}headcount [tally, number of people]
chmara {f} [ludzi]horde [crowd of people]
delegacja {f} [grupa osób]delegation [group of people]
ewakuacja {f}evacuation [of people from an area]
obracać się [obcować] [niedok.]to mingle [with people, circulate]
Węgrzy {m.pl} [osob.]Hungarians [male people or a group of males and females]
syk {m}hiss [an "s" sound]
syk {m}hissing [an "s" sound]
gastr. roln. kukurydza {f}mealie [esp. S.Afr.]
bratanica {f}niece [brother's daughter]
siostrzenica {f}niece [sister's daughter]
łowiect. zool. lisia kita {f}brush [fox's tail]
bratanek {m} [osob.]nephew [brother's son]
siostrzeniec {m} [osob.]nephew [sister's son]
u {prep} [+gen.] [kogoś]at [sb.'s place]
zool. wole {n} [u ptaków]crop [bird's craw]
naut. kuchnia {f} na statkugalley [ship's kitchen]
med. gabinet {m}surgery [Br.] [doctor's consulting room]
koloratka {f}dog collar [coll.] [clergyman's collar]
worek {m} marynarskiduffel bag [seaman's kitbag]
zabaw. klocek {m} [zabawka dziecięca]building block [child's toy]
naut. woj. zatopić [własny okręt] [dok.]to scuttle [one's own ship]
ingerencja {f} [w czyjeś sprawy]interference [in sb.'s affairs]
zabaw. szklana kulka {f}marble [glass ball for child's game]
być [niedok.] ostrożnymto watch out [watch one's back]
szwagierka {f}sister-in-law [sister of one's spouse]
bratowa {f}sister-in-law [wife of one's brother]
gastr. smoczek {m} [na butelce dla dziecka]teat [of baby's bottle]
bot. T
naut. bocianie gniazdo {n} [na maszcie statku]crow's nest [on ship's mast]
inform. Nic nowego, wszystko po staremu. [pot.]Same as always. [answer to "How's it going?"]
dym {m} z drugiej ręki [bierne palenie]second-hand smoke [from other people's cigarettes]
peerelowski {adj} [pot.] [odnoszący się do PRL-u][coll.] [pertaining to the People's Republic of Poland]
zabaw. domek {m} dla lalekdolls' house [also doll, doll's]
przysł. Nie ma dymu bez ognia.Where there's smoke there's fire. [Am.]
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